Wednesday 13 October 2010

Second Viewing Of Irreversible.

The three scenes I had most emotional response to was;
-The attack in the club when a man gets beaten with a fire extinguisher, this makes me feel sick and disgusted and made me want to turn away, because of the full extent of the injuries we saw. It also made me want to block out the sound because of the sounds heard when the man was getting attacked like the cracking, as they were made to sound that much worse (exaggerated.)

-When 'Marcus' realises that the woman attacked is his girlfriend. When you first see her injured body, it makes me feel sick again, just because the image is so intense and graphic. Then I began to feel sympathy for Marcus - as we have worked out from previous scenes that Alex is his girlfriend, and now all he wants to do is seek revenge on the man who has done this, as he feels he has now let her down.

-Rape scene. This scene made me feel so disgusted and shocked even for a second viewing. Again, I think it shocks the audience because of the intensity of the image you we are shown. It sounds so real and comes across so intense, creating the feeling of sickness.
When you think of the scene after watching the whole film, makes me feel a whole lot worse as you find out she is pregnant, so not only did the rape harm her, but also the baby.
Also when you hear of the dream Alex had of a 'Red Tunnel' and dismisses it, you want to shout at the screen and warn her of the danger, so you feel helpless watching as you already know what it about to come.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Emotional Response.

Emotion - Any strong feeling.

At the beginning of the film i felt confused as I watched because as it goes backwards we had no idea why the man wanted to find this other person and his purpose for it. As you begin to realise the story line, you begin to pick up why this man has made his actions.
Whilst viewing scenes such as in the tunnel it made feel sick and uncomfortable because I felt like I shouldn't be watching as this shouldn't be happening, but as I am seeing it we should be attempting to somehow stop it.
I feel that the film portrays these emotions and again in the scene when the male gets beaten in the gay club because the images are so graphic and they don't hide and inch of detail, this makes us feel there in the scene, therefore makes us feel the same emotions as if we were there.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Case Study Films.

The Descent: The caves are isolated and are away from outside help.
Dog Soldiers: Set in a big open forest area where there isn't any people living, they are taken to a house by one lady, and she says there is one house nearby, but it works out this is one house on its own, with no others nearby.
The Descent: Women usually represented as weak, don't seem to feminine here, strong as a group. The Crawlers stick together and have a disadvantage as they cannot see, but have a dominating sense of movement and smell.
Dog Soldiers: Men are strong and in the army, tough and fearless. The Werewolves are twice the size of humans, and kill without leaving mess, dominating the men.
The Descent: Women go caving - Are met by Crawlers underground - One survives.
Dog Soldiers: Men in army go on exercise - Turns out to be fatal and met with Werewolves - All die one by one - One manages to survive.

Saturday 27 March 2010


Genre - In film theory, genre refers to the method of film categorization based on similarities in the narrative elements from which films are constructed.
Key Concepts -
Why is genre important? - Genre sets the tone for the film, and is like a base that is built upon to create the film, we use genre to build upon as once you have that, you can begin to link in all the elements for that particular film. For example once you have the horror genre you can link in things such as blood, death, quick shots, suspense and tension.
These elements then enable the audience to recognise what type of film they are watching.
Horror is appealing to the audience it always keeps them in suspense and on cliffhangers, keeping the audience on edge and always wanting to know what is going to happen next.

Friday 26 March 2010

Representation Of Women In 'The Descent'.

Relationships: At the beginning of the film, we see one male character, we can tell he is married to one of the characters, as we see them shown as a family unit with a child. After the girls have been rafting, another woman in the group gives the male a look which suggests that they have been more than friends, which later comes out that they have been having an affair with one another. As the widow of the husband finds out, there is alot of tension between the two girls, and they represent alot of lies and deception between one another. Within the group, the girls are generally playful and happy towards one another, but they tend to show a strained realationship towards the woman who had the affair.
Costume: These women aren't represented in any sexual way or being flaunted to men. The rock climbing gear is more manly and doesn't show them as very feminine.