Tuesday 13 October 2009

Analysis Of 3 Film Sequences.

1st sequence.

Jeepers Creepers 2. (Youtube - Jeepers Creepers 2 Part 2) (2.15 - 4.51)

At the beginning of the clip, its shows a man holding what seems to be some kind of weapon. The way he stares at it in silence, and the way he concentrates on the object, makes us want to know what this means or what it is. We then are shown into a field where the background music begins to build up, causing more tension, usually meaning something is wrong. As we hear a dog beginning to wimper, it begins to concentrate on something that is ‘under’ the camera, not letting the audience see what it is, making us feel curious. It gives us an idea the dog is some kind of search dog, as when it feels it has found something, the man goes straight over himself. Here when the dog and the man are looking into the camera, we feel quite timid as the audience because we feel they are looking in on us, as if we are some kind of suspect. This frightfulness then builds up even more as again the music builds to an all time high making us wary of what happens next. Then we are hit with the noise of the door opening, making us jump as this is unexpected. As the find, is looked over by the dad, this is in silence, giving us another sense something is wrong, again the music starts, as if something isn’t right. As the weapon flies against the lamp, it makes us jump again form the sudden movement. As the camera zooms in onto the detailing, it morphs into the young boys again, giving us the impression that the boys have something to do with the main plot. Overall this sequence uses a lot of sudden movements, and music to build up tension, making us feel uncomfortable and out of our comfort zone.

2nd sequence.

Final Destination 1. (Youtube - Final Destination Part 2) (2.20 - 5.42)

Straight away from the beginning of the clip, we are shown how the table already brakes so easily, giving us an idea that this could lead up to bigger problems, that could make a difference to the scene. The way that the boy shows how uncomfortable he is, by calling the stewardess straightaway, makes us also instinctively feel uncomfortable. Here the performance shows how the boy looks worriedly at the safety instructions on the plane, and by his expression can sense something is wrong. Here like my first choice of sequence, which is also a horror film, the music begins to build up again, making us sense something is wrong. Sound then begins to play a big role, when the noises of the doors closing and things shutting, preparing for take off, become exaggerated, making us feel, ‘This is it’. Whilst the music continues to build up, causing more tension, the noises of the engine, become louder, as the boy seems to be breathing heavier, everything wrong that is possible to happen, begins to be taken into consideration. The relief of just bad turbulence, reassures everyone that it will be fine. As the plane begins to shake again, the once happier crew and passengers begin to show fear, the contrast of how they felt before. As the noise is exaggerated again, we begin to feel awkward, and we hope that again it is just passing turbulence. As the lighting begins to darken, we are faced with flashing images and screams, making us want to look away. We don’t expect the door to be ripped off and as the boys face burns and sends us back to real life, we feel panic, and makes us feel worried because, where people use planes daily, we take this and fear it will happen in real life. This is shown through special effects and editing which makes up the fire and flashing images.

3rd sequence

The Pursuit Of Happiness (Youtube - The Pursuit Of Happiness Part 10) (0 - 4.50)

The first impression this sequence gives me is that there is a sense of desperation from the man and women, as he rushes of to somewhere, making us feel there is an important situation to attend. We then get the contrast of the homeless the wealthy family in their car, and then the line of homeless people. Seeing this contrast in the performance makes us feel sympathy for the character of Will Smith and his son. The background sound is slow and creates a sad atmosphere. The argument between Will Smith and the other man, gives us another sense of desperation through the performance. We also see it in the little boy’s voice, as an audience you always feel more sympathy for younger children as they are unable to defend themselves. As the next scene shows the boy and his father washing him, we feel intimacy and that they have let us to look in on their lives. Making us feel more in touch with the two. We are then again shown a deeper struggle that they have to face when the lights go out and this again makes us feel sympathy for them both, this is shown through lighting and performance. Intimacy places an important role in this as a performance because we are shown how close the boy and his father are, and shows the bond they share. It also shows how the father works hard for the boy, by working through the night, and we also feel a strong bond between the two, from the repetition of ‘trust’.

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