Sunday 29 November 2009

Children Of Men Analysis Extract Analysis.

When the sequence first opens, we are met with a sound bridge. We hear the sound of news reporters, a man and a woman. We recognise this as an English film from the British accents and the similarity to BBC news. And by the presenters saying 'Good Morning' we know this is the news the public is waking up to.
As we hear the boy's name who has been killed, it sounds as if its a south American/spanish name, showing us its a worldwide news report. When we first hear that the 'youngest boy in the world' has been killed, this is an enigma code, because we think its impossible for there to be a youngest boy in the world who is 18 years old. Making this a question we want answered.

As the shot cuts to the people looking at the TV, we see adults with sad and shocked expressions staring at the screen, showing that the story is appealing to them, making us feel as if we need to watch this. We see the working class with a cup of tea/coffee, looking as if they are on their way to work, showing the story was so important on the TV that they needed to stop to hear the ins and outs of what is happening. There is also a TV shown in the background of the shop, even though it is not clear to us, we can still see it, making us feel that we also have the same insight to the story on the TV screen as the characters. The audience are given another hint that the story is important as we see the policeman in the background, he has come off the street and his patrol to see the story on the news, showing that even if the incident is across the world, people still need to see the report.
The colours in the shop, are dull, dark, cold, miserable and drab, this reflects the story on the news and shows us its a sad and depressing news report.

The man who then pushes through the crowds and takes his order, is breaking the silence. This shows he is the main character and key person in the film. As he leaves the shop, the camera then follows him out, this makes us as the audience feel part of the action, and as if we are walking beside him. We also feel part of the action as we feel up close and personal to the other customers in the shop, as we follow the main character out. We also get a glimpse of the screen on the way out, giving us a reminding image of the boy as we leave the shop.
As the violins begins to play, it is sad, funeral music, reflecting the news report and the death of the boy.

When we first exit onto the street, we see big screens and and the roads filled with pollution. As the date flashes up 2027, we recognise its the future, this is establishing the future which is recognisible to us. The pollution and extrvagant screens, are something we can relate to, and is a future which isn't that far away.
The use of handheld camera, feels as if we are again following him and still playing a part in the action.
As only one explosion takes place, and not several, it is very realistic. It is played from one angle and still from the handheld camera, as if we are there. The one explosion is a tell tale sign it is a British film, as a Hollywood Blockbuster would use several to create a stronger impact, but this is more realistic. Finally as the woman walks out of the explosion, she is walking like a zombie and connotes a horror film, which then leads onto the connotation of death.

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